How Long Do Veneers Last?

Are you thinking about getting veneers in St. Clair Shores? Well, if you’re like most patients, you’re probably wondering how long the results will last.

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to get a straight answer for that. Veneers’ lifespan depends on how well you can care for your newly improved smile. Luckily, there are a lot of simple things you can do to protect veneers and make them last for decades.

What Are Veneers, and How Do They Work? 

Veneers are shells that go on top of the front surface of your teeth. Quality veneers are made from porcelain and can cover up:

  • Tooth discoloration and staining
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Irregularly-sized teeth
  • Minor chipped or cracked teeth
  • Worn-down teeth
  • Translucent teeth (due to enamel corrosion)
  • Small alignment issues, etc.

To get veneers, a dentist will shave a small amount of tooth enamel to create a rough surface texture. This allows the veneer to bond with your tooth and stay firmly in place, but it also means getting veneers is irreversible. You’ll need them for the rest of your life. 

Veneers Average Lifespan

Veneers can last 10–15 years on average, though some patients can enjoy them for longer with the right care. They are designed to allow patients to comfortably enjoy their favorite foods without fearing they’ll break every time a bite is taken. 

Still, veneers are not indestructible. They can still chip or crack, and old veneers are also known to change color. When veneers are damaged, you will need to get a new pair.

How Can You Take Care of Veneers?

The great news is that caring for veneers isn’t rocket science. The basics involve good oral hygiene habits, including daily brushing and flossing. This will keep your veneers in top condition and reduce your risk for oral health issues like cavities.

Apart from that, you can also consider the following tips to take your veneer maintenance to the next level:

  • Stop smoking
  • Brush your teeth after every meal, or rinse your mouth with water after eating.
  • Wear a mouthguard if you grind your teeth.
  • Don’t chew on hard objects.
  • Try to reduce the amount of hard foods, sweets, and staining foods you consume.
  • Drink staining beverages like tea or coffee through a straw.
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to encourage saliva production.
  • Get routine dental cleanings and check-ups to maintain your veneers and oral health.

Interested in Veneers? Stop by St. Clair Tooth Co.!

If you want to find out if veneers are the right dental cosmetic solution for you, come see Dr. Carly Cassleman for a short consultation! After just a visit, you can unlock the best treatment plan to get the smile you’ve always wanted.

Start by scheduling a visit to St. Clair Tooth Co. online, or call us at (586) 404-4911 to find out more about veneers or our other cosmetic services.

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