Veneers vs. Dental Bonding: What's Best For Me?

If you are interested in cosmetic dentistry procedures to improve your smile, you have many options to consider! And two very common procedures that address a variety of cosmetic issues are veneers and dental bonding. But these two treatments are quite different from each other, and the effects they can have on your natural teeth are polar opposites.

Learn about the difference between veneers and dental bonding in this short blog post by St. Clair Tooth Co.

Dental Bonding 101

Dental bonding is a type of cosmetic dentistry that involves applying a resin on top of the natural tooth in order to change its shape, size, or even fill a gap between the teeth. Once the resin hardens, it’s then polished and shaped to achieve the desired look.

The procedure will not have any effect on the natural teeth as it involves no shaving of the enamel. However, you should also know that dental bonding is not a permanent solution, and sooner or later the resin can fall off. However, it’s a popular choice to address minor cosmetic issues, and with the right oral care, you can enjoy your new look for as much as 10 years!

Veneers 101

Veneers are a form of dental prosthetic which gets bonded to the natural surface of your teeth. It’s a permanent procedure that involves shaving the tooth’s natural enamel to create a rough texture, so the veneers can properly bond to the tooth.

Since enamel doesn’t grow back, you will not be able to return to your natural smile after getting veneers. It is, however, a great option if you are dealing with more severe cosmetic issues such as discoloration, tooth staining, gaps, and even chipped or cracked teeth.

Which One Is Right for You?

The best way to know for sure is to book an appointment with a cosmetic dentist and have a consultation. Based on your oral health and needs, they can help you make the right choice between the two procedures.

Minor gaps or misshapen teeth can be easily fixed with dental bonding, while more complex ones are more suitable for veneers. The dentist will inspect your teeth and make the best recommendations based on your specific case.

But apart from what they address, there are other differences between the two procedures you need to be aware of:

  • Cost - veneers are more expensive than dental bonding;
  • Look - both look natural, but veneers will offer a more dramatic improvement to your look, while bonding will be more subtle;
  • Lifespan - with the right maintenance, veneers can last as long as even 20 years or more, while dental bonding has a much smaller lifespan.

If you’re still not sure which of the two procedures is right for you, St. Clair Tooth Co is happy to help! To get started, please book a consultation with Dr. Carly Cassleman today!

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